Team Building! Year-End Party! Corporate Meeting! We all missed this since the COVID-19 pandemic hit our country. This year, we went beyond the limits and reached new heights.
As the year ends, we got a chance to celebrate our milestones for 2021 and officially held our first event as a CORPORATE! After two years of staying at home, we finally saw the same faces and were able to mingle with everyone. With all the requisite papers like S-passes and RTPCRs, travel may not be as simple as it once was, but it was well worth it; Panglao Sea Resort greeted us warmly with fresh air– and served us bonne bouche meals.
The Corporate Year End Town Hall took place on December 9 ; the gathering was full of raffles, plaques, certificates, and messages from our partners in New York. This event focused on our members and our Company. Company culture, communication and relationship are best built when we are together.
Our leaders are family oriented and they want to embody this culture to each of us. There is no specific location where people feel comfortable – it’s the people who surround us.
Oops! Haven’t mentioned yet the natural treasures, tourist spots, team activities and sports that everyone luxuriated in! It’s a magnificent way to wrap up a year!